How The West Was Won


Thursday, May 15th OR Friday, May 16th


Moore N' Moore Sporting Clays

12651 Little Tujunga Canyon Rd, Sylmar, 91342

"It's like golf with a shotgun!"


Registration: 9am

Held at Moore N' Moore Sporting Clays in Sylmar, the "How The West Was Won" charity shoot will combine fun and prizes for novice shooters and better - all while raising much-needed operating funds for Carousel Ranch. Instruction and all required items are included in your sponsorship.

With each team reservation, shooters will also receive: a light breakfast, complimentary massages, BBQ lunch, in addition to great raffle prizes, awards & trophies.

Dead-Eye Sponsorship - $2,500

Team of five, with team name

Event Signage, Media Recognition

Gun Rental, Ammunition, & Clay Targets

Sharp Shooter Sponsorship - $2,000

Team of five, with team name

Gun Rental, Ammunition, & Clay Targets

ADD ON: Team Mulligans

$225 for 5 players.

Includes ten “do over” shots, plus a gift for each player