Our Team
We are so blessed to have the most amazing team here at the Ranch. Honestly, each is an important part of our puzzle…pieces that are crucial to the work that we do each and every day. Each brings their own talents and special gifts to the program, making it what it is today. This small but mighty group works harder than you can imagine, working every day with enthusiasm and a true passion for this population and the mission of Carousel Ranch.

Becky Graham - Co-Founder/Program Director

Taylor Adachi- Executive Director
Assistant Directors
Denise Redmond - Co-Founder/Executive Director Emeritus

Katie Pope - Associate Program Director
Equestrian Therapy Program

Stefanie Vine - Equestrian Program Coordinator

Paola Cardea - Instructor

Abigail Mracek - Support Staff

Alliah Vu - Support Staff

Camille Keatley - Support Staff

Sean Coskran - Support Staff

Chris Burk - Ranch/Equine Caretaker

Rachel Blaha - Ranch/Equine Caretaker

John Guerrero - Facilities Coordinator
Ready to Work! Program

Camryn Gelfo - RTW! Program Manager

Hannah Herbold - Program Specialist

Alise Hill - Direct Support Professional/Instructor

Paige Schaaf - Administrative Assistant

Lindsay Joachim - Administrative Assistant

Nichole Gardner - Special Event Coordinator

Chloe Solis - Social Media Communications Assistant