Arrow Zirkelbach
“We were on the wait list for a while and it was completely worth the wait because Arrow has excelled and grown as a person in so many ways that's transferred into his whole entire life at school and at home. He's more excited to be engaged with people and I think being here gives him the confidence to do that, which was totally unexpected. Usually quiet and reserved in social environments, Arrow has begun to be more talkative and eager to try new things. Not only at the Ranch but in everyday life. Another positive of being here is his new confidence to try different things. I get excited because he was just so quiet and wouldn't put himself out there. So now when he does, I just think back to how far he's come and obviously we're doing something right now that we weren't doing the past 10 years. That's making me see who he is. He’s like a little comedian and I never knew that. I'm learning new things about him all the time and what's again so unexpected is who he is and getting to know him better. I think everybody here has encouraged him to be that person. Carousel Ranch has benefited him in ways I didn’t even consider. With every session he grows a little more, which helps my goal as a parent, which is for him to reach his full potential.” ~Cassandra Zirkelbach